"I am sixteen going on seventeen
I know that I'm naive
Fellows I meet may tell me I'm sweet
And willingly I believe
" -sixteen going on seventeen
(The Sound of Music)
I just turned seventeen last Sunday! The worst part about turning seventeen is well, firstly, I have to change my blog's description which means I have to think of a new one !Whew! If you're wondering why, well the description currently says" a sixteen year old girl who fell in love with words"...And now put seventeen in place of sixteen! Check! How unpoetic ! I am someone who swoons over Bukowski and feels blissful reading Silvia Plath on a rainy day. So I need a new description. Secondly, the worst part about being seventeen is, you don't get to be sixteen anymore(why am I blabbering shit!). One year of your life has passed you, and you haven't achieved any of the glories that a sixteen year old's supposed to! I remember feeling miserable on the night of my birthday. Not that I had a bad day. My friend came over. She had baked a chocolate egg-less brownie cake( I'm a vegetarian) specially for the occasion because she's a real sweetheart ! And we also got the chance to get wet in a mid-afternoon shower. We watched some classic movies like" The Runaway Bride"and "Sweet Home Alabama".. Later I went for a movie with mum (Jurassic World) and we ordered Chinese at a take-away restaurant. So, not a bad day at all , but there you go- I was filled with a feeling of deep dissatisfaction about everything. In brief, I was thinking about the popular kids at my school and the big fat parties that are held on their birthdays! That's when I looked up birthday goals on Google. And I found this site where the author writes about his dissatisfaction over the year that's gone by and as a consequence he sets a few goals to accomplish over the next year. Its certainly a cool idea.I think I'll follow it. So I guess my next blog will be on birthday goals. Stay tuned! Oh I also got To Kill a Mockingbird and The Catcher in The Rye as presents. (Yay!)
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