Sunday, June 21, 2015

Happy Father's Day to You, Mom!

It's a very special day today ! Firstly, 21st of June marks the year's summer solstice. Also, it's World Music Day. And it's Father's Day too !  Be it Twitter, or FB timeline,all social networking sites  are actually flooding with Father's Day posts .It's quite funny but it seems like there's a sudden deluge of love in everyone's hearts for their father. You might be find it a little surprising, but I've never really had a close bonding with my dad. Mostly because I've been used to growing up in his absence.
Anybody who's father has been serving as a marine engineer will connect. For me, dad has been that cool person who visited once or twice a year with colorful goodies and chocolates. So family for me has always meant my mother and my sister. 
Last night, I just had a  sudden realization. My mother had actually filled up my dad's absence in the best possible way she could! Be it attending parent teacher meetings,  taking me to the doctor's clinic or telling the best possible fables so that I would quickly finish my dinner (feeding me was a real pain, and none other than a gifted raconteur like my mom could really grab my attention in order to make me gulp my food!)
She's definitely not one of those people who will try to make it to your good books, mostly because she's too candid! But there have been certain instances when she has let her softer nature play a peek-a-boo with her harsh exterior. Moments when she happily bore the weight of my head on her shoulder while we were driving home after a long tiresome day. I often find myself checking on her at night, watching her stomach rise and fall with every breath. I'm so so scared of losing her, ever! The one reason behind my soul existence.So I think it'll be just for me to say "Happy Father's Day to you Mom! Because you've sort of played both the roles successfully most of the time ! "

Thursday, June 18, 2015

I turned Seventeen !

"I am sixteen going on seventeen
I know that I'm naive
Fellows I meet may tell me I'm sweet
And willingly I believe
" -sixteen going on seventeen 
                                                                    (The Sound of Music)
I just turned seventeen last Sunday! The worst part about turning seventeen is well, firstly, I have to change my blog's description which means I have to think of a new one !Whew! If you're wondering why, well the description currently says" a sixteen year old girl who fell in love with words"...And now put seventeen in place of sixteen! Check! How unpoetic ! I am someone who swoons over Bukowski and feels blissful reading Silvia Plath on a rainy day. So I need a new description. Secondly, the worst part about being seventeen is, you don't get to be sixteen anymore(why am I blabbering shit!). One year of your life has passed you, and you haven't achieved any of the glories that a sixteen year old's supposed to! I remember feeling miserable on the night of my birthday. Not that I had a bad day. My friend came over. She had baked a chocolate egg-less brownie cake( I'm a vegetarian) specially for the occasion because she's a real sweetheart ! And we also got the chance to get wet in a mid-afternoon shower. We watched some classic movies like" The Runaway Bride"and "Sweet Home Alabama".. Later I went for a movie with mum (Jurassic World) and we ordered Chinese at a take-away restaurant. So, not a bad day at all , but there you go- I was filled with a feeling of deep dissatisfaction about everything. In brief, I was thinking about the popular kids at my school and the big fat parties that are held on their birthdays! That's when I looked up birthday goals on Google. And I found this site where the author writes about his dissatisfaction over the year that's gone by and as a consequence he sets a few goals to accomplish over the next year. Its certainly a cool idea.I think I'll follow it. So I guess my next blog will be on birthday goals. Stay tuned! Oh I also got To Kill a Mockingbird and The Catcher in The Rye as presents. (Yay!)