Sunday, August 5, 2012

Friendship Day Special

A year passed in a jiffy, and yet again, Friendship Day is back with its delights! This time I dedicate this post to all those who’re still in a quest of finding a true friend.

Well, to begin with, a true friend is certainly someone who makes you smile, at least once a day, and doesn’t care to ask you before he munches away your share of meal. Generally, he’s the one who pings you and straight away starts a conversation, without even saying a “hi”. He might laugh at your follies, but will never abandon you in your hard times. He’ll get annoyed if you don’t ring him up at least once a day. He won’t mind cracking the wackiest jokes with you. 

He may sacrifice some of his interests for your sake and will never hesitate to help you out in times of need. The most important of all, you can trust him with your biggest secrets.
 When you are in desperate need of someone, to whom you can pour your heart out , you’ll have his number at your fingertips. And probably, he’s the one who may not find it necessary to wish you on Friendship Day!

Now, probably you’re doing a bit of brainstorming. Well carry on, and if you think you have such a person in your life, then he deserves to be called a true friend. Treasure your friendship, take his weaknesses to translate them into positives. That’s how you can build up an eternal friendship.