Wow! Yet another band splits up ! What's up with these British bands? Last December brought enough bad news for rock music lovers (precisely Alternative Rock music lovers) after British rock band Colplay's lead singer , Chris Martin announced "It’s our seventh thing, and the way we look at it, it’s like the last
Harry Potter book or something like that,”
about their final album, which is tentatively titled
A Head Full of Dreams. “I have to think of it as the final thing we’re doing. Otherwise, we wouldn’t put everything into it,”he added. Yeah we all got a little dewy eyed at the possibility of the band breaking up.

And now, it's One Direction. Zayn Malik quits One Direction after five years of being together since 2010 after Simon Cowell who discovered the boyband on talent show X Factor. Not that I'm a hardcore
Directioner, but I liked the music they created. I remember two years back, songs like "More than this", "What makes you Beautiful" used to play on repeat on my music player.
I somehow hate the ideas of people leaving bands or bands splitting up. I guess its a spike of nostalgia that makes me awfully sad deep down. Every song has a special memory related with it. And we learn to associate every band as a whole entity creating some wonderful music. One person leaving makes it so incomplete. I remember how I got mushy when one of my all-time favorite bands, Westlife split up in 2011 after fourteen years of delivering fourteen No.1 singles, 44 million album sales, 10 sellout tours and winning the love and support of fans worldwide! How can one forget songs like Seasons in the sun , I had a dream, Flying without Wings...
I guess it is really a sad time for music lovers. So where's the silver lining? I bet I'm not wrong if I say we are all eager about Colplay's upcoming album, A Head Full of Dreams. And as for 1D, they will be continuing as a four-member band, and will hopefully give us some happy hits in the following days!
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