Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Haunted Library

Haunted Library
Many of us are bookworms and often pay visit to libraries .But have we ever imagined that libraries can be haunted too? Well, here goes such a library. The National Library in Kolkata, situated on the Belvedere Road, it is known for its collection of rare books. But the residence of the former Lieutenant Governor of Bengal has a more eerie side to it.

The new building at the library has got another mystery behind it. At the time of its construction, some of the workers met with accidents and died on the spot. It is believed that their spirits still haunt the building.

Two of the eyewitnesses said that they had seen black images fading in front of their eyes. Both fell sick four days later. Some of the students who go to study there have even complained that they could here footsteps of the governor's wife. At late nights, the staffs even saw people in the library whom nobody knew. The shifts of the guards keep changing and most of them do not want to do the night shifts.

You never know what lurks inside the walls of a library. So be aware book lovers while your visits to a library!


  1. Thats very interesting .thanks for the caution neway .

  2. I read dis at 12o'clock at scared me lyk hell.plz tell us more scary thins.

  3. @ sushreeta
    ya sure i'l do...i hav a lot more of such stories 2 share...

